
Eusebio Lillo 100

Plaza de Armas
San Francisco Church
The San Francisco Church, located next to the Plaza de Armas de Castro, is the main Catholic temple in the capital of the Province of Chiloé. This temple was declared a National Historical Monument in 1979 and a World Heritage Site before Unesco in 2000. he current temple was built in the same place where two other churches were erected, destroyed by fires in 1857 and 1902. Its construction was led by the priest Fray Ángel Custodio Subiabre Oyarzún, in charge of the convent, from 1910 to 1912. The 8 August 1911, the church under construction collapsed because of a great storm and it had to be rebuilt. Finally, it was completed by the end of 1912.

Ruta 5 sur, sector Mocopulli, Dalcahue
Aeropuerto Mocopulli
Mocopulli Airport is an airport serving Chiloe Island, . The airport is 6 kilometres northwest of Dalcahue and 20 kilometers north of Castro city. The Mocopulli VOR-DME is located on the field.

22 Km from Castro
Beautiful fishing village and wool craftsmen, good restaurants and spectacular views, located 22 kilometers northeast from Castro

Puente Gamboa
Palafitos (Stilt houses)
They are constructions on pillars in the water, which were adopted in Ancud, Quemchi, Castro, Chonchi and other ports of Chiloe, for a better use of the sea shoreline.

Cucao, Lago Huillinco
Parque Nacional Chiloe
The Chiloé National Park is one of the richest cultural heritage units in the region, where the historical, ethnographic, archaeological and interesting paleontological sites are highlighted.
Among the species that are protected in the Park are, among the flora: the tepa, associated with olivillo and coigüe, the luma, the pitra and the arrayán, the alerce and the cypress of the Guaitecas. Also, an aspect of interest of the fauna of Chiloé is the presence of endemic species of mammals and birds, due to its insular condition.
Its south entrance is located in the town of Cucao, a coastal town in the west of the island 60 km from Castro, 1 hour of excellent road, bordering the beautiful Lake Huillinco.

Muelle de las Almas
The Muelle de las Almas is located west of Isla Grande Chiloé, in Cucao village. It is a magical place where, according to the legend, the laments and supplications of the souls in pain await the Mapuche boatman Tempilkahue to take them to eternal rest. Without a doubt it is one of the most beautiful places to visit and it has all the magic of the original culture of Chiloe.
To get to the dock, you have to make a path of just over an hour through thick forests.The path has become a must for those who come to explore the island. It is a route of high scenic beauty through the fields and the coast, crowned by a work of art that alludes to local mythology.

28 km NW Ancud
Pinguineras de Puñihuil
The pinguineras of Puñihuil are located in the sector of the same name, on the west coast facing the Pacific Ocean in the commune of Ancud. The pinguineras of Puñihuil are 28 kilometers southwest of Ancud, and 130 kilometers north of Castro. Humboldt penguins and Magellanic penguins coexist in this small habitat, something that is not very common, as there is no other place where they can breed and nest two species together. Visits to this place are relatively restricted so as not to intervene in the ecosystem and are concentrated mainly in summer, from December to February. The maritime tour lasts around 30 minutes, there are several departures during the day between 10:00 and 19:00.
In the sector there are excellent services of gastronomy, lodging, trekking, maritime tours, centers of events and local of tourist information.

Iglesias patrimoniales
The churches of Chiloé, declared World Heritage by UNESCO in 2000, all belonging to the Chilota School of Architecture in Wood, have elements and particular characteristics that have earned them worldwide appreciation:
- The churches were built with an exquisite architectural technique born of the work of the "Chilotes" riverbank carpenter and the influence of techniques contributed to the process of evangelization. The result is a unique wooden architecture in America.
The temples are still used until today for what they were created, maintaining centuries-old traditions. Thus, churches are valued for what they represent as Living Heritage, transcending the architectural value.
Near Castro there are 5 of these churches, departing for San Francisco in the same Castro, Nercon only 3 km south, and Dalcahue, Vilipulli, Chonchi no more than 25 kilometers